

发布日期:2017-05-17    发布人:admin    浏览次数:


201752020 May, 2017

地点(Location):匡亚明楼第二报告厅 The Second lecture hall of Kuangyaming building

8:30   边疆考古研究中心主任 朱泓教授致开幕辞

9:00-12:00   学术报告Academic presentations

主持人(Chairman) :朱  泓  教授  Prof. Hong Zhu

9:00-9:35   李占扬: “许昌人”遗址研究的新突破. Zhanyang Li: New Breakthrough on the research of ‘Xuchang Man’ Site.

9:35-10:10  吉学平:我国西南和东南亚更新世以来人类演化的连续性和多样性. Xueping Ji: The continuity and diversity of human evolution in Southwestern China and Southeastern Asia since Pleistocene.

10:10-10:25  茶歇Tea break

10:25-11:00  张继宗:法医人类学的新进展. Jizong Zhang:Advances in forensic anthropology.

11:00-11:35  黄  石:表里统一:源自表形研究的现代人起源与美洲移民假说的分子证明. Shi Huang: Unification of inside and outside: molecular verification of trait-based models of modern human origins and the peopling of the Americas.


12:00-14:00  午餐Lunch

14:00-17:00   学术报告Academic presentations

主持人(Chairman) :Prof. Qian Wang  王  谦  教授

14:00-14:35  Qian Wang:Advances in the study of Human evolution: New approaches and new directions. 人类进化研究新进展:新方法与新方向.

14:35-15:10  Scott D. Maddux: What does the fox say? Insights on human craniofacial evolution from domesticated canids. 狐狸在“说”什么?从驯养犬科动物视角看人类颅面进化.

15:10-15:25   茶歇Tea break

15:25-16:00  Lauren N. Butaric: Living on top of the world: Craniofacial adaptations at high altitude.“身居高处”: 高纬度人群的颅面形态适应性研究.

16:00-16:35    Matthew Kesterke: Statistical Techniques for Evaluating Craniofacial Variation in Hominin Populations. 评估人类颅面变异的统计学技术方法.

16:35-16:45   闭幕式Closing ceremony
